SJV Feast Day

Last Friday our school celebrated the Feast Day of St John Vianney.  St John Vianney was born Jean Baptiste Marie Vianney in 1786 France. He was a poor shepherd boy who was called to the Priesthood. He studied for some time at the Lyons Seminary in France and was eventually ordained in 1815. St John Vianney’s first Parish was in a town called Ars. During his life time he was renowned for hearing confessions. After his death in 1859 his works of love and charity spread across the world. He was canonized in Rome in 1925.  

Our school community celebrated in several ways. Our students participated with great respect and reverence in our Feast Day Mass, presided by Father Baiyi. They also completed two art activities; SJV sailboats with their class buddies and whole school artwork; an SJV Values Cross which will be on display at our next assembly in the hall. Chocolate croissants were also shared with the students (French theme). Our staff and students thoroughly enjoyed themselves throughout the day.  

St. John Vianney would often say: "Private prayer is like straw scattered here and there: If you set it on fire, it makes a lot of little flames. But gather these straws into a bundle and light them, and you get a mighty fire, rising like a column into the sky; public prayer is like that".

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St John Vianney's School (2024)